Movie Review: Norwegian Wood
I went to see Norwegian wood because sometimes you know unknowingly that a movie is for you. I hadn't seen the trailer or heard any reviews I saw the poster guessed it was a foreign film and was well on it. I always said if I had to be another race it would be Japanese because they are so highly sensitive yet ridiculously reserved. They feel love deep, and after watching many Japanese love stories I believe they have no limit for love.
This story is no exception. Its a complex story of the life of a man who experiences the ups downs highs lows and various other painful treats love and relationships provide. Its full on all or nothing viewing. And its Japanese so rather weird too. But life is weird so whateves.
I have been extremely vague because I want you to seee it but don't want to spoil it.
I left the cinema rather bemused and speechless; it touched a nerve for me, reminding me of passed loves, lost love and the deep internal ache of grief.
A Wonderfully beautiful movie, I want to watch all over again.