my 21st went off with and ended with a BANG-
that being me drunk in the toilet of YOYO being taken home before midnight.
let me break down the fun
Thursday-YOYO big up every1 that came especailly marlon who drove me all the way back to essex although he lives in the dirty south stopping for bagels and sweets along the way
Friday-MY bIRTHDAY-shopped till i dropped with my number 1 bestest friend Ms YP ate bare food and watched DVDs then passed out
Saturday-had hair cut by amazing hair dresser-merci beaucoup donald. then it was my BIRTHDAY PARTY @ BAR-B-LO. got rammed-i got drunk-had a change of outfit and apparently was running round like i was on LSD
Sunday-spent day with my surrogate children as they were too young to attend the party, then had dinner with a lovely friend
Monday- Bowling and the arcade games with my cousins in the morning-carnival with YP, where we had some gooood jerk chicken-followed by YOYOs to see lilly allen and dance like crazy. big up to my favourite bar tender-juelz!! ended up crashed out everywhere on the floor in front of the fan with jon. on the leather chair with some girls that were taking care of me. in the corner by the stage. in the toilet. and 10 lollypops later i decided it was in my best interest to go home because i couldnt seem to sober up no matter how hard i tried.
BEST BIRTHDAY EVER!! i thought some parts would be good and the rest wud be lame but surprisingly it was all wicked-SO BIG THANK U TO EVERY1 THAT MADE IT
then i got ill-and ive been off work for 2days. got no phone calls today so was feeling all congested and unloved.....THEN my dad bless his soUL brings me home a box of chocolates and a BRAND NEW TOYOTA SEWING MACHINE. yes i said it a sewing machine its electronic control, one step bUtton hole LCD sewing aid SEWING MACHINe, well well random, but i love it still, and even more cause its ten times better than my mums and i got to hear her say "THATS NOT FAIR"
AND i got to reply to her the same thing she said to me everytime i screamed that as a child-"WHO EVER SAID LIFE WAS FAIR?"
HA ha
i love it i love it all
but right now im missing a couple of the special people in my life-u know who u are. i miss u. one on the other side of the world and the other one feels like they are on the other side of the world but really its just the other side of london. busy people hey.