The past year has been an extremely transient one for me. I have leant how relative the people in your life can be; their importance and the roles they play today could be completely absent and redundant tomorrow. Its one of the sadest things knowing that the person you once meant the world to thinks nothing of you today. Especially as I find it impossible to surrender any feelings I have for someone, and simply just stop caring.

I have made mistakes, got carried away, been naive at times. But no matter how bad it ends you always have the memories of what was. Not all relationships are to be life long, its about taking the good and learning from the bad, and growing and loving.

Getting through shit with someone and being just as close as before is the label for a life long friend. or at least a long term friend.

When all material possessions are taken out of the equation all we have to give is our time and love and all we leave behind is memories and knowledge.

Time is our most valuable commodity, it shouldn't be wasted

But shared with those who enrich and love and make us feel alive.

Rest In Love Petrona